Activities and Deliverables
GT1 Activities
- Characterisation of complex forests in SUDOE through analysis of the national forest inventory.
- Characterisation of the effects of mixing of species in supra-Mediterranean mixed forests.
- Multi-taxon characterisation of complex forests in the SUDOE Atlantic pilot area.
- Synthesis of methodologies for the characterisation of complex forests at different scales.
- Processing LIDAR data.
- Bibliographical review of methodologies for the characterisation of structural and compositional diversity with LiDAR.
- Development of complex algorithms for LiDar classification of forests.
- Bibliographic review of methodologies for integrating TLS and UAV point clouds.
- Locating and surveying pilot areas (marteloscopes) using TLS and UAV techniques.
- Processing and integration of TLS and UAV point clouds.
- Defining the typology according to the structure and diversity of complex forests.
- Analysis of the relationship between structure and risks for the provision of environmental services in complex forests.
- Analysis of different attempts in forest management to integrate fire risk in complex forests.
- Identifying parameters of fire behaviour useful for forest planning in complex forests.
- Justification of forest treatments to reduce the risk of complex forest fires.
- Resistance of complex forests to exotic pests and pathogens.
- Evaluating the ability of growth models
- Improving Dynamics and Growth Models and Simulators to simulate the dynamics of complex mixtures.
- Integrating complex forest growth models into simulation tools.
- Development and integration of a risk algorithm in simulation tools.
GT2 Activities
- Baseline analysis for the valuation and accounting of complex and non-complex forests in SUDOE.
- Identification of natural capital valuation techniques in complex and non-complex SUDOE forests.
- Systematic literature review of methodologies for collecting meanings of the place of complex forests and their perception.
- Learning labs in the SUDOE pilot areas. Linking social groups to complex forests.
- Triangulation and synthesis event on the social meanings of complex forests in the SUDOE.
- Integration of information into a natural capital accounting system (SNA).
- Natural capital training for public and private agents. Knowledge transfer.
GT3 Activities
- Design of the SUDOE database on complex forests and mixed plantations.
- Design and web development of the COMFOR-SUDOE experimental network.
- Analysis and description of the effects of management on the provision of ecosystem services in the complex forests of SUDOE.
- Physico-chemical characterisation of the soil properties of complex forests under different management treatments.
- Integration of the experience of managers and owners of mixed plantations.
- Design of the protocol for planting mixed species and establishment of a mixed species plantation in SUDOE.
- Creation of pilot sites for the diversification of structure and composition for conservation and production purposes.
- Synthesis event on the results of the pilot sites for the diversification of the structure and composition of forests in the SUDOE.
- Installation of two marteloscopes in the complex forests of SUDOE.
- Development of a mobile application to support decision making in complex forests.
GT4 Activities
- Discussion event to create the platform for intelligent specialisation in the complex forests of SUDOE.
- Creation of the work group of organisations involved in the evaluation of the natural capital of forest ecosystems.
- Knowledge transfer event on the valuation of environmental services in forest ecosystems.
- Social, ecological and economic interdependence of environmental services in complex forests.
- Synthesis for an intelligent specialisation strategy for the management and conservation of complex forests in SUDOE.
Credits: images from Raxpixel.